Worm Vs. Compost - Lyndon Zhao

Worm People Stories

Worm Castings and Compost (LEFT) Compost Only (RIGHT)

- Lyndon Zhao
- Queens, New York, USA
- www.wormvscompost.com
- Instagram: @WormVsCompost

Do Worm Castings Really Work?

If you were offered $1,000 and $1,250 (no strings attached), which would you choose? I think the answer is pretty obvious here. You may wonder, what does this have to do with worm castings? Well, let’s get straight to the point. Our research shows that if you add worm castings to your soil mix, on average, you will see a 25% increase in size. How does this benefit you? Well, if you are a farmer, that’s a 25% growth in plant size. Your plants mature faster and produce more.

If you are an indoor plant enthusiast or the occasional forgot-to-water-my-plant-for-2-weeks hobbyist, worm castings are also for you. By adding worm castings to a soil mix, we saw a large increase in water retention. This means less watering! Saving you time and money.

About WormVsCompost

Hi my name is Lyndon and I am the founder of WormVsCompost Worm Castings. Whether you buy worm castings or make your own, you can’t go wrong. Producing your own worm castings is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly ways to reduce waste. Instead of throwing your food scraps into the garbage, you just toss it into a worm bin. After several weeks, you get rich worm castings that you can add to your home garden, household plants, or just hold in your hands to play with (not saying I do this).

I discovered worm castings by watching Youtube videos from Captain Matt and many other worm farmers online. I thought to myself, is this real? Is there really an organic fertilizer out there that can increase my yields and not burn my plants no matter how much I add? I wanted to test and verify the results. That’s why I started www.wormvscompost.com. My vision for WormVsCompost is to create the largest library of worm castings experiments on the internet. The results so far have been the same every time. Worm castings increase the size of the plants, retain soil moisture, and prevent disease.

Worm Casting Experiments

Enough talk, check out the results below. All blue cups contain a mixture of 25% worm castings to 75% compost. All white cups contain 100% compost. From left to right: Cherry Tomatoes, Green Beans, Korean Melons, and Longan Fruit Trees.

You can find more info about my worm castings experiments on my website or instagram page.